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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | ThisNumber

Frequently Asked Questions


This is where we try to answer your most common questions on the site; please check these before contacting us as the answer may already be here.

Important: we cannot add, update or remove listings in any other website or directory.

How to remove, update or add my listing?

We cannot add, update or remove listings in any directory

We don't store the phonebooks on our site. There is no data on Numberway. Numberway simply links to websites that are hosted elsewhere. We have no control over the contents of those sites.

You will need to contact the website that has the data, to be able to make changes. We don't know any more about how to contact the people who run the sites than you can find yourself by reading their site. There will be a contact link somewhere on their site. Not here.

This is worth repeating: none of the names, phone numbers or addresses are listed or stored anywhere on Numberway. All the data is on sites elsewhere, we have no influence over what data they store, no way to add, update or emove listings, and no special way to contact them.

Removing numbers in the US

To remove a number from all US directories, you need to become unlisted, then CHANGE your number (and keep it unlisted). Do NOT add it to the do-not-call list, as that is the same as publishing it. There is NO WAY to remove an existing number when it becomes unlisted, it will disappear gradually from some directories but not all.

To repeat, you must CHANGE the number. You then need to avoid providing that number to anybody who might publish it, such as any business that reports credit (utilities, credit cards) or any branch of government (especially local). There are various ways to get free "disposible" numbers not associated with an address that you can have for voicemail or to forward to your real number - a web search will help you find them.

Can you find me the number or address?

Sorry - we can't look up specific numbers (or names from numbers) for anybody. We can't find the address of anybody. We have no special access to directories, you can use the listings here to find numbers yourself.

If you can't find a number, name or address, we won't be able to either.

Can I use the data for my mailing lists?

The entries in each phone book are the copyright of the company and website who publish them.

Use of their website data is normally subject to terms and conditions, which often state that the listings cannot be used to create mailing lists.

Sometimes the directory company will sell mailing lists, for a price. Ask them (not us).

We don't have any knowledge of other sources of mailing lists. This site concentrates only on free online telephone directories so can't help with building your mailing lists.

How current are these listings?

Each of the directories we link to update at times that suit them. They are all different.

Some official directories, such as France, update almost daily. Many of the US directories are re-keyed from printed phone books, so can take years to add a listing (and even longer to delete an old listing, if they ever do).

Most of the directories are somewhere between these extremes, with an official White Pages the most likely to be fresh and a multi-country Yellow Pages or submission based business directory with few entries the least likely to be accurate. Some may be years out of date.

We have no way to submit changes and corrections. You will need to contact the directory yourself. They should have contact information somewhere on their site.

I've found a new or better directory!

If you've found (or work for) a directory we don't list, we'd love to add it.

It must be free (not a time-limited trial), show actual phone numbers for free, available to all internet users in all countries, reasonably complete, and ideally offer something (such as extra coverage) that isn't available on any directory already listed.

The directory can be in any language, but if it's in a language other than a major western European language we'd really appreciate some basic details of what it covers and how to use it.

If we consider it's a useful extra link we'll review it and add it. To notify us, please contact us.

Can I link to Numberway?

You are very welcome to put a link to Numberway on any website, even your personal home page, if you find it useful. You can link direct to any country page on the site, or to the home page. Thank you. It's much appreciated if you do!

Why my selected country only shows businesses?

Not all countries have phone books online. Very often there is only a business directory. Some countries have data protection laws restricting the use of phone number data online.

Many less-developed countries don't have the resources to put a phone book online.

We list all suitable free directories that we know about (unless it clearly duplicates the contents of another directory). If a particular type of directory for a particular country is not listed then as far as we're aware a suitable directory doesn't exist. If you find one, please let us know.

Also, all directories added here are manually checked and reviewed, so it's possible a directory is not added because it contains very little data - or simply doesn't work!

Can I buy phone books?

If you're looking for paper phone books, your local phone company can often help. They usually have contacts with phone companies elsewhere.

For most countries, the online directories are usually more up-to-date.

For historical phone books, try a major library either near you or near the area you are interested in.

We don't keep data or have any phone numbers stored on Numberway.com. We can't sell you a phonebook or listings.

How can I check who called or who owns a number?

Some countries have reverse-search (search by number) directories. If the feature is available for a particular directory for a particular country we've mentioned it in the directory description.

If the number you want is not listed (or if a reverse-search directory is not available for that country) we have no special way to find a number.

We can't look up any numbers for anybody. If you can't find it, we won't be able to either.

Why isn't my country listed?

Not all countries have phone books online. Often there is only a business directory. Some countries have data protection laws restricting the use of phone number data online.

Many less-developed countries don't have the resources to put a phone book online.

All directories added here are manually checked and reviewed, so it's possible a directory is not added because it contains very little data - or simply doesn't work!

We have a directory of some sort for most of the countries in the world - we've got almost 1,000 links! However if you know of a new directory for us to link to, let us know.