

Is this caller safe?  

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Public Records

205-325-4979 found in 2 public records:

Address: P.O. BOX 2612, BIRMINGHAM, AL 35202

Address: 10540 W BARKLEY ST, OVERLAND PARK, KS 66212

Last updated: August 22, 2023


Area code 205 and prefix 205-325 assignment information:

  • Country: UNITED STATES
  • Location: Alabama
  • Rate Center: BIRMINGHAM

Source: NANPA

205-325-4979 Location Map

Full Phone Report

Report about phone number 205-325-4979 may include available information on:

  • Owner's Full Name
  • Current Address
  • Social Networks
  • Household Members
  • And Much More!

User Comments

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Name: Jefferson County, Alabama
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Name: Jefferson County Family Court
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Reverse Phone Lookup

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International Format

The country code assigned for the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) area by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is "1". So a phone number 2053254979 in E.164 international format would be +1 (205) 325-4979.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the sources of the phone number information?

Our database contains information collected from thousands publicly available federal, state, local and other government datasets.

Why phone number owner name and address is missing?

Information on a phone number may be unavailable for several reasons. It may not be available in any public records database. We didn’t find it yet. Or we found but removed after the phone number owner request.

If you didn't find a phone number owner name and address in our database today, please check in the future. We are continuously adding new public records information to our website.

What do the Safe and Unsafe reports mean?

Safe means it belongs to a trustworthy person or company. Unsafe means it belongs to a scammer, telemarketer, or another unwanted caller.

What is the purpose of this website?

We aim to improve people access and usage of federal, state, local and other government information, made available to the public. Our goal is to provide users with the most accurate phone number owner name and address information using publicly available government datasets.

How can I contact ThisNumber support?

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